Complete online archive of issues and articles from the UK libertarian communist journal, Subversion, which was published from 1988 to 1998.

Subversion was a libertarian and council communist group that published the journal Subversion and a variety of pamphlets.
Never very large, it had its origins in the earlier Wildcat group, and further back in the groups Solidarity and Social Revolution.
More articles and texts by Subversion are available in our Subversion tag.
Archived versions of the orginal Subversion websites:
Bump, because I've added PDF
Bump, because I've added PDF scans of nearly every issue. I'm only missing issues 2 and 19 so if you have these and could either scan and add them or post them to me to add that would be great!
Steven. wrote: Bump, because
now only missing issue 2 so give us a shout if you've got it!
Does anyone have issue 2?
Does anyone have issue 2?
All up on the site now.
All up on the site now.
For some reason #2 hadn't
For some reason #2 hadn't uploaded, so I have done that as well as adding most of the cover artwork and adding lone articles on Libcom to the issues they came from.
Still got a few covers to add
Still got a few covers to add and the articles from #23, but will give that a few days so the rest of the forum can resettle a bit!